“Do minimalists need wallets? Or do they not need them? “| Answer from a Japanese minimalist.

If asked the question, “Do minimalists have wallets?” I would respond as follows:

If someone can start a life without relying on a wallet and not face any difficulties, then they don’t need a wallet. However, even as a minimalist, I do have a wallet. So the answer is “it depends on the individual.”

In recent times, cashless payments have become widely popular. With just a card or a smartphone, it has become easy to make purchases. Even in my area, I have noticed an increase in checkout terminals dedicated to card payments.

Hello, I’m YAITA, a Japanese minimalist.

I’m a blogger in my 40s who has “auditory hypersensitivity” and does all my work solely on an iPad. Currently, I manage 69 personal belongings and live with my wife.

The values and perspectives of minimalists can vary. What I’m about to share is my own opinion, so not all Japanese minimalists may make the same claims.

“Do I have a wallet? | As a minimalist, I do have a wallet.”

Regardless of being a minimalist, if cash is not necessary in your life, you don’t need a wallet. Conversely, if you require cash, a wallet is necessary.

As a minimalist, you might question the need for a wallet in today’s era.

If a wallet is necessary for someone’s lifestyle, they should have one. If it is not needed, they can choose not to have one. In other words, they are free to do as they please.

That’s all there is to it.

There is no definition that states “people who have wallets are not minimalists.”

The criteria for determining whether a minimalist needs a wallet or not, as conveyed by minimalists.

What I want to convey here is the minimalist philosophy of having only the necessary things in life, when they are needed, and in the appropriate quantity. As a minimalist myself, I have a wallet because it is necessary for my lifestyle.

Items that minimalists consider unnecessary are things they don’t need in their lives.

In the context of a wallet, this would include receipts that they don’t even remember when they were added, unused membership cards, excessive credit cards or debit cards, and more cash than necessary.

On the other hand, necessary items in a wallet would include cards required for outings and a minimal amount of cash.

I keep these items in an abrAsus money clip.

The money clip is designed to hold up to 5 cards and 10 bills, yet it achieves a thickness of only 11mm, making it an incredibly slim wallet. It easily fits in pants pockets without being obtrusive. It’s so thin that you might even worry if it’s actually inside your pocket.

For coins, I use the abrAsus coin pouch.

It serves as a keychain holder for both house and car keys while also designed to hold 999 yen. When heading to the garbage collection site, all you need is your keys and earplugs.

There is no stress because I can manage the contents of my wallet.

When you can’t keep track of where your necessary items are, it results in the frustration of searching for things. Even if you can manage them, having too many things to manage can be challenging.

For example, there are people who frantically search for their membership cards right before reaching the cash register. They have to search through various cards stored in a dedicated wallet to find the one they need at that moment.

If the checkout line is crowded or if you’re in a rush, the act of searching becomes even more stressful.

I used to be someone who carried a lot of things with me. I carried a large wallet that wouldn’t fit in my pants pocket, and I had no idea what was inside or how much money I had.

Being naturally anxious, I always carried a lot of things with me. So, I can understand and empathize with people who carry a lot of things.

I have no intention of criticizing those who carry many items.

However, based on my experience, I can confidently say that the fewer things you have to manage, the more you free yourself from stress. Currently, I am fully aware of everything inside my wallet.

As a result, I no longer have moments of “Oh, where is that card?” and the need to search.

Having that awareness leads to a sense of “peace of mind” and ultimately reduces stress.

The reasons why I carry cash with me.

Around May 2023, I also started using cashless payments. It’s convenient to easily know when and how much I spent, right?

However, I still carry a certain amount of cash, both bills and coins. This is because there are some shops that only accept cash, and showing a credit card would be pointless.

For example, the ophthalmology clinic I visit only accepts cash, while the attached pharmacy only accepts PayPay.

There was a time when I thought, “Maybe I don’t need to carry money?” If I hadn’t had cash with me during that time, I would have had to search for a nearby ATM.

Due to the fact that I live in a rural area and other reasons, I can’t say that I don’t need cash in my life.

Compactness isn’t everything.

I mentioned that the more compact an item is, the more lightweight you can become.

However, for those who prefer not to fold their bills, they may dislike folding wallets. Especially minimalists who prefer crisp, unfolded bills or require large-denomination notes might have specific preferences.

For such minimalists, a long wallet is essential. In other words, the necessary shape of a wallet can vary depending on the individual.

You should live in a way that suits your own lifestyle.

If asked whether minimalists need a wallet, I can only say, “It depends on the individual.”

Wallet requirements can vary based on a person’s lifestyle, and even in today’s cashless era, it’s not necessarily true that “a wallet equals an unnecessary item.”

Preferences for wallet brands, styles, and functionality can significantly differ from person to person.

However, for me, the minimalist mindset aligns well.

The essence of minimalism is to eliminate unnecessary things and emphasize the essentials.

If a wallet is necessary for your lifestyle, there’s no need to discard it.